Would love it if someone could go to this awesome event…

Sign up now for “Shaped by a Living Hope:  Fostering Renewal in Rural and

Small Congregations” with guest speaker the Rev. Dr. Jay Koyle
(Congregational Development Officer for the Anglican Diocese of Algoma).

Back by popular demand, this workshop at Holy Trinity Anglican Church in
Pembroke is a repeat of the well-attended and very well-received workshop
Jay Koyle led in March in Cornwall.

Use your community’s own definition of “small” or “rural” to determine
whether this event is relevant to you.  All are welcome to attend.  The
Congregational Development Subcommittee which is sponsoring this event is
pleased that the Very Rev. Shane Parker, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral,
will be present at this event to bring greetings on behalf of our bishop.

For more info and to register online visit:

$20 cost per person (includes lunch & refreshments)

Please advise those interested in coming who do not have internet access to
have a computer savvy friend register them as their guest or contact Heidi
Danson at the synod office by phone at (613) 232-7124, ext. 222.

The registration deadline (Fri. Sept. 20) is fast approaching, so do not
delay.  Sign up today!

Lisa Chisholm-Smith
Baptismal Ministry Formation
Anglican Diocese of Ottawa
Tel: (613) 232-7124, ext. 231