Annual Meeting PictureWe are about to embark on our annual business and governance meeting for our Parish. In our particular community we have a Parish-Wide meeting (‘Annual Vestry’) to discuss Parish matters and accept the 2014 budget.


PARISH WIDE MEETING ~ February 23rd (after the one 9:30am service at St. James)

It is very important that all members of the church to attend the Parish Wide Meeting (called ‘Annual Vestry’). Your presence is very important to our church ministry and indicates that our church continues to be a vibrant group of individuals who are dedicated to ensuring that God’s mission happens in our Carp community.

If you are new to the church please consider attending and if you have been around for years and have not attended often please consider attending this year… it is important that we join together to discuss these aspects of our ministry.

In Christ,

Pastor Monique