Faith @ Home will include opportunities for you to read, listen, discuss, reflect, or ponder about different pieces of content that I will provide each week.

Some weeks you may dig right in and take a look at all of the resources that I provide you with. Some weeks you may not even dig in at all. But each week there will be at least one simple article, pod-cast, photo, video, or any small idea that assist us as a community to work on our faith journey and spiritual growth during the week. Resources will be simple and accessible to all age groups.

Chat, Discuss, Reflect:
For those of you who come to Sunday services and other church activities I encourage you to start discussions with others who worship with you.

For those of you who do not attend Sunday services I encourage you to consider discussing these items with you family and/or friends.

For everyone who participates you can also begin a dialogue in the comment section of the weekly E-News post on our Facebook page. The page can be found HERE. Or you can pose comments/questions on Twitter @pastor_monique

If you have ideas for the weekly at-home faith formation on the E-News send me an email at

I look forward to your comments and reflections,
Pastor Monique

October 8th:
Article: The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Looking Ahead
Poem: Questions before Dark by Jeanne Lohman. You can access it HERE
Podcast: I have started (just this week!) to use a really  interesting Podcast called ‘Pray-as-you-Go’. This is a daily 12 minute scripture reading and prayer from the British Jesuits and is based on the Daily Office. (What is the Daily Office you ask? Check the answer to that HERE). You can access Pray-as-you-Go on your computer or via app at:
What I love about this is that it is an observance of the Daily Office  that I can do in the car! Try it out for a week… and let me know what you think!