The Hunger Games Eucharist

If you have already registered and are looking for Pre-Event Info please click HERE


Thank you for your desire to join us on Sunday, November 17th at 7pm. Currently we have reached the capacity of our space. If you would like to be placed on the Wait List please register below. We will do whatever we can to get you into the service. If you would like to know where you are on the wait list please contact Pastor Monique at

The Hunger Games Eucharist will be an amazing night of worship, prayer and bread. It will be different than many churches services most people have been at… cause most of it will take place 75 feet underground in the original Bank of Canada Bank Vault in the Diefenbunker Cold War Museum. The setting and the service will be an invitation to consider our role in freedom seeking, equality, inclusion, and justice building. It will be different, it will be unique, and we hope it will be a place where we can consider the mission of God in our context.

If you have any questions about the service and how you can participate please contact Pastor Monique at

The following week (after the service on November 17th) there will be a youth group movie viewing of the second movie of The Hunger Games Trilogy. Movie tickets will be available (by free will offering) to all who are attending on November 17th.

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