You, YES YOU, are most welcome to participate in any of the activities and roles below…
Family Church Day ~ Advent One ~ Sunday, November 30th
As we embark on our Advent journey families are invited to start the season off on Sunday, November 30th at the St. James weekly service:
9:30 ~ join in with John Montgomery who will teach the art of the famous Cinnamon Buns! 10:30 ~ Family Service for all ages (with a little bit of drumming!)
11:30 ~ Coffee Hour with some hot soup (and Cinnamon Buns!) followed by decorating of Family Advent Wreaths to take home!
If you have an Advent Wreath wire frame from previous years please bring it with you. If you need a frame there will be one available. Decoration supplies and extra candles will be made available! Please call the office at 613-839-3195 for more info!
Can you Help?
We have a variety of volunteer tasks that make our Advent and Christmas liturgies happen! Please contact us if you are interested in taking on any of the following roles:
Quiet Christmas (December 23rd): We are looking for readers for the service and would welcome a quiet instrumental performance during silent prayer times (any instrument can be brought to the service or the piano is available)
Christmas Eve: St. James Family Service: We need station leaders to help kids and families participate in the various activities that will create our service (stations will be in the Parish Hall) and we also need readers. We also are looking for a piano player who can help with some special hymns.
St. John’s: We are looking for readers for our scripture passages and members of our kids choir (kids choir practice happens Sunday, December 21st after church)
Christmas Day: We have cupcakes looked after but would welcome someone to bring juice and some gluten free cupcakes
Epiphany Parties!: Sunday, January 4th is our first Sunday on which we will worship together as a parish at 9am and 10:30am at St. James (we will have 10 weeks of this winter schedule, concluding March 8th, 2015). Please join in as we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany! We are looking for coffee-makers and snack suppliers for the time between the two services and after the 10:30 service. We are also looking for readers, greeters, and servers for both services (and Sunday School leaders for the 10:30 service).