175th Anniversary

Please join us for our 175th Anniversary Activities….175 Logo Final

Sun. Sept. 8, 2013.  175th Anniversary GOLF TOURNAMENT  at Glenmar Golf Course. Flyers are located in each of the three churches with more information. Registration Forms can be dropped off at the Parish Hall or handed to Barb Downey (Christ Church), Sandra Greene (St. Johns) or Kathy Craig (St. James). For more info please contact Mark or Barb Downey at barb.downey@hotmail.com or 613-836-4213

P.S. The tournament is ‘BEST BALL’… that means even the worst players are welcome to join in. Scores are based on whoever hits the best ball at each hole

Sun. Nov. 10, 2013. 10:00 AM

Christ Church 175th Anniversary Service.
Presider and Preacher: Executive Archdeacon David Selzer

Reception & Historical displays in the Church following the service

Legacy Projects
Fund has been set up to accept donations in honour of the 175th Anniversary of Christ Church,
Parish of Huntley. The Legacy Project Committee plans to renovate and update the 35 year old Memorial Extension including changes to the flooring, walls, some furniture, etc. to improve the lower and upper levels as meeting rooms for congregation and community use. Tax receipts will be issued for donations. Please make cheques payable to “Christ Church” on the title line
with “Legacy Fund 175 Anniversary” on the memo line. For cash donations please place in envelopes with “Legacy Fund 175 th Anniversary” written on the outside along with the donor’s name. All donations will be gratefully accepted.

For the Historical Displays please consider sharing your photos, letters, certificates, artifacts concerning the Parish of Huntley and Christ Church from the 1800’s, 1900’s, and up to 2013. Items will be scanned or copied and returned to you as soon as possible. Please contact Sue Cox 836-2375 or suercox@gmail.com. Thank you.