Please join us for our Annual five week study throughout the Lent season (five weeks prior to Easter). This study is an exploration of the cross and the different understandings of the cross that have existed across time (and how the diversity inspires, challenges, and often confuses us!)
Our Lent study will run on Monday’s from 7pm to 9pm throughout Lent (starting Monday, February 23rd). The course includes a DVD presentation and a discussion period. All our invited and no experience is necessary! Here is a bit of info on the course:
“In Making Sense of the Cross author David Lose invites the reader to engage in a conversation, one that he imagines discussing around his kitchen table, about major questions of the Cross. More than a standard reference book, Making Sense of the Cross is a dialogue that encourages readers to bring their questions or doubts to the table.”
Evenings will include a time of fellowship, snacks, and conversation.
No experience necessary and all are welcome!
Please register!
A companion study book will be available for a cost of 15.00.
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