Drumming Workshop & Ministry

We are excited to be starting a drumming program and ministry in our parish. Through a wonderful memorial donation in honour of a woman who was involved in the various music activities of St. James Anglican (her name was Roma Lett) we are able to offer this amazing learning opportunity to our parish and community members!

We have decided to have Baobab Tree Drumming Community lead our program and help us start our ministry.

There is no cost for this program but those who wish to offer a donation towards the ongoing support of this ministry are able to do so.

We know that many of the youth and children are keen to be involved but we welcome parents and parishioners of all ages to  participate in both the sessions or just one.

Session #2 ~ 4 Week Drumming Lessons

For four Mondays (from June 2nd through June 23rd) we will offer a four week drumming program at the Parish Hall with a performance led by the students on Sunday, July 6th (the St. John’s Strawberry Social). The continuation of the group and subsequent church activities will be determined over the course of the lessons.

Looking for Ministry Leadership…We will be looking for two or three adults to take some leadership for these programs and then helping the students continue to offer their gifts in the Fall. If you are able to participate as a leader please let me know ASAP!

Registration for both of these activities is found below. Please note that there is limited space and we will try our best to accomodate everyone but may not be able to do so. We will send you an email to confirm that you have a spot.

[gravityform id=”5″ name=”Drumming Workshop & Course Registration”]