40 Days of Lent for Carp

The following is a customized list of Lent Activities for the Carp Community! Please join in!

40 ideas for keeping a Holy Lent ~ The Anglican Parish of Huntley ~ 2015

Don’t feel you have to do all of these or in this order. Add or replace one if you wish!

Day 1: Pray for the work of our Diocesan Community Ministries. (To find out more about them see: http://www.ottawa.anglican.ca/Community_Ministries.html)

Day 2: Pray for all of the people who walk into Alice’s Café today

Day 3: Take 5 minutes of silence at noon

Day 4: Sit in your house in silence for 20 minutes and reflect on the memories you have made there

(Sunday ~ Lent practices don’t happen on our Celebration Day)

Day 5: Pray for the students and staff at Huntley Centennial, Venta Preparatory, West Carleton Secondary School and all of the schools at which our youth are students

Day 6: Intentionally let go of a frustration

Day 7: Take 5 items of clothing to the ValueVillage on Hazeldean Road

Day 8: Pray for the Carp Fair Board and Planning Team

Day 9: Do someone else’s chore

Day 10: Buy a few $5 Tim Horton’s Gift Cards and drop them off at the church (Pastor Monique will take them to The Well Women’s Ministry during Holy Week)

(Sunday ~ Lent practices don’t happen on our Celebration Day)

Day 11: Call an old friend

Day 12: Pray for refugees throughout the world

Day 13: Open your bible and read something from one of the Gospels. If you don’t have a bible drop by Pastor Monique’s office; she has 10 to give away to the first people who show up! If you would like to find a bible online go to http://bible.oremus.org

Day 14: Sit down, write and send out a letter to someone (a real letter is preferred)

Day 15: Pray for the West Carleton Emergency Food Access Centre

Day 16: Pray for the Diocese of Jerusalem (the companion diocese of the Diocese of Ottawa) and for Christians, Muslims and Jews struggling to work as agents of peace in the land of the Holy One.

(Sunday ~ Lent practices don’t happen on our Celebration Day)

Day 17: Forgive someone

Day 18: Internet diet ~ No Facebook or Internet… or TV Diet if you’d prefer!

Day 19: Turn down the heat and put on an extra sweater for this evening

Day 20: Pray for the upcoming Truth and Reconciliation Commission that will be meeting in late May. Pray for those who are preparing to attend this event.

Day 21: Ask for help

Day 22: Tell someone what you are grateful for

(Sunday ~ Lent practices don’t happen on our Celebration Day)

Day 23: Introduce yourself to a neighbour

Day 24: Pray for an end to extremism and religious fundamentalism, racism and bigotry and hurtful behaviour.

Day 25: Bake a cake or something else to give to a neighbour

Day 26: No shopping day

Day 27: Pray for the families in the Carp community

Day 28: Light a candle and sit with it for a moment.

(Sunday ~ Lent practices don’t happen on our Celebration Day)

Day 29: Write a thank you note and mail to someone who’s blessed you in your life

Day 30: Pay it Forward… buy a coffee for someone at Alice’s or Tim Horton’s by paying for the person behind you in line

Day 31: Pray for the residents of the West Carleton Apartments

Day 32: Bring canned goods in to the Parish Hall or the West Carleton Food Access Centre

Day 33: Read John 8:1-11 http://bible.oremus.org

Day 34: Worship at a friend’s mosque, synogogue or church and look for the beauty

(Sunday ~ Lent practices don’t happen on our Celebration Day)

Day 35: Pray for our neighbouring churches

Day 36: No sugar day – where else is there sweetness in your life?

Day 37: Give $20 to a local non-profit

Day 38: Pray for all those who make farming and agricultural their livelihood in our community

Day 39: Pray for peace

Day 40: Pray for your enemies then decide which of these exercises you’ll keep for good