Sunday School & Youth Activities

Sunday School takes place at St. James Anglican (3774 Carp Road) and includes a variety of learning formats. There is also a Once-A-Month Sunday school program at Christ Church (3008 Carp Road) on the 2nd Sunday of each month.

For 2018 and 2019 our Curriculum is based out of Illustrated Childrens Ministry. You can take a look at the various facets of this ministry at their website.

Our Sunday School program focuses on encouraging children to consider how they can live a life that is guided by the principles that Jesus teaches: compassion, justice, support for those less fortunate, love, inclusion, acceptance of diversity, valuing of self, and much more!    Children are invited to discuss and participate in various fun activities that communicate and encourage these messages in day to day life.

Above is a photo of the Huntley Youth at their CLAY Servant Event. Our 10 youth and Leader in Training helped create a new garden at a local seniors home.

During the Pre-Christmas season the teaching focus is on serving others and supporting local and global children who are in need. This focus enables young parishioners to consider the  ways that they are blessed and how they can bless others.

At least once every six weeks (at St. James) the community worships together and children, who are always welcome to stay in the service if they are more comfortable, participate fully in the service.

Children are invited to participate in Sunday School as often as they wish. Given the busy family schedules of our society there is no pressure or expectation to attend each Sunday (but of course you are more then welcome to come every Sunday if you wish!). Come when you can!

Email for more info on our Sunday programs.


2018 is a CLAY Year for our Youth!

The youth of Huntley have participated in the  Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth Gathering (CLAY) that is in Thunder Bay this August. The gathering brings together 900 youth and leaders from across the country for four days of worship, service, and fun!

We had 10 youth attending the conference along with 34 others from the Diocese of Ottawa.

Many of our youth activities last spring and summer included planning and raising funds for the trip.

In addition youth throughout the parish continue to play roles in the liturgy and family activities throughout the year.